The People vs HLX


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I have always wondered how decks I make compare to other decks that people from other parts of the world are using. So I decided to take decks that have been posted on other sites on the 'net and play them against my own decks.

Each opponents deck is randomly chosen to play against the deck that I currently have made up (I usually have one hero and one villain deck made up at any time)

This page is a quick summary of how each game has panned out. Links are included to where I got the opponents deck from.

Last Battle scores are the final amounts of Support/Opposition generated by the deck during the first round of the Last Battle (includes Pattern). Pattern is the number of pattern tokens each player had at the start of the Last Battle.

The Reinforcer vs Card Tricks (by Betrayer of Hope)
The Reinforcer vs Perrin's Hunting Party (by Mike Mayhem)
Armies of the Wise Ones vs Code of the Aiel (by Ashin Gaidin)

My Deck


Opponents Deck

Opponents Deck by...

The Reinforcer (Demandred)


Card Tricks (Mat)

Betrayer of Hope








10 Neutral

PLAYED ON 6th SEPTEMBER '01 - Mat never looked like winning this game, but that was nothing to do with the deck itself - it just could not draw anything useful until near the end of the game.
It had Siuan and Elaida in the hand very early, no pattern (so it was impossible to bring either of them into play) and no way of getting any pattern (Demandred had too much on the table to fight against).
Mat was forced to stay at home turn after turn while Demandred took an early 7-0 pattern lead. There was also no Lucky Find, Time of Need or Inner Strength, so Thom struggled with his effect, discarding only a card every 2 turns or so.

So what was Mat drawing early? Damage prevention (Void, Bodyguards...). So he soon decided to take on Demandred - and did well. Rolling plenty of damage, he left Demandred's forces to heal for 2 turns, while Mat's small army came out unscathed. He picked up 2 quick pattern, but it wasn't enough to catch Demandred, who was still able to recruit on those 2 turns thanks to his pattern.

Mat got a Destroy From Within through near the end, as well as finally drawing all the things he needed earlier. But Mat had never managed to catch up, and Demandred had continued to pile on the pattern.

Despite all this, Mat was only 14 Support behind (not counting pattern) on the Last Battle, and should start favourite to win the re-match between these two.

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My Deck


Opponents Deck

Opponents Deck by...

The Reinforcer (Demandred)


Perrin's Hunting Party

Mike Mayhem

(Demandred killed)





10 Nuetral

PLAYED ON 6th SEPTEMBER '01 - No Winner! A fanstastic mirror-match battle, which saw Perrin get away to a HUGE start. He had recruited 10 cards in the first 4 turns!! Demandred spent the rest of the game catching up. The only thing that kept Demandred in with a chance was that most of Perrin's early forces were non-Aiel (Elyas, 3 Wolf troops etc). This meant that Demandred was able to gain control of The Waste (and keep control until the end), and also to get out some of the better Maidens before Perrin could.

While Perrin recruited early, Demandred took a 6-3 Pattern lead - but that was quickly turned into a 7-2 lead to Perrin. While Demandred desperately tried to catch up to Perrin's forces, Perrin gained control of The Horn of Valere, and used Call Up the Reserves and Request Tributes to draw through his deck before the Last Battle even started.

Perrin still seemed to have the lead going into the Last Battle, but a Herioc Efforts cut out 14 of Perrin's troop dice, and The Waste got Demandred to a 5 Opposition lead. The Horn of Valere was the killer - Demandred was overkilled by 6 damage.

The gripping finale:
With Demandred mortally wounded, Perrin only had to take the Last Battle to a second round (by staying within 5 support) to take an outright win. With one Hunting Party to roll for Perrin, he needed 3.5 support to win (where a combat symbol = 0.5 support because of his Decicive Tactics). He rolled 2 support and 1 combat symbol (2.5 support) - leaving him all-together 5 short of Demandred's total, and making the game a no-result. (under the rules of the game, both players lost.)

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My Deck


Opponents Deck

Opponents Deck by...

Armies of the Wise Ones


Code of the Aiel (Rand IX)

Ashin Gaidin






12 Nuetral

PLAYED ON 18th SEPTEMBER '01 - Rand drew more and recruited more, but Sammael got over the line because of 3 cards - Assasination Attempt, Lines of Support and Decisive Tactics.

Rand away to a fast start (as the opening hand is designed to do) but it didn't take long for Sammael to catch up. After 7 turns, both sides had recruited 14 characters/troops! After that, Rand easily drew more cards and recruited more than Sammael, but the 3 cards mentioned above manged to sneak Sammael over the line.

Assasination Attempt - got rid of Janwin and Nandera (which also stopped 2 Far Dareis Mai coming out.)
Lines of Support - once all 3 of these were out, Rand had to put three of his troops into the Pattern challenge. Sammael just waited until he had a reasonable amount of troops, and a Blood Tide in his hand, then put his troops into the Pattern as well, and he came out on top, even though Rand had the rest of his troops in as back-up. .... Then did it again next turn. (After which Rand killed off a Lines of Support targeted troop to stop the restrictions on him)
Decisive Tactics - While Rand had Things Yet to Come, He Will Bind and Destroy Them, and 4 more pattern to give him extra Support in the Last Battle, Sammael had Decisive Tactics - and rolling 72 combat dice, this made the ultimate difference between a win and a second round of the Last Battle.

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