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Wolf Pack (0/0/0/5)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Wolf. Reinforcement. You must control a Wolfbrother to
bring Wolf Pack into play. You must discard Wolf Pack if you do
not control a Wolfbrother. This troop is recruited into the
battleground. This troop generates [damage] when participating in
a challenge against a card with the Monster Trait.
Cost: [C][C][C]
--------------------------------------------(Mithrandir the
Footmen (0/0/0/2)
Mercenary. Multiple. This troop generates an additional (damage)(damage)
when participating in challenges against troops with
Reinforcement. All damage generated by this troop must be placed
on troops with Reinforcement (if possible).
----------------------------------------------(Sage Minerve)
Mounted Troops (0/0/0/3)
Mercenary. Reinforcement. Multiple. This troop gains 1C for each
3 troops with Reinforcement you control.
COST: [C][C]
------------------------------------------------(Sage Minerve)
Armsmen (0/0/0/4)
Mercenary. Multiple. When Armsmen comes into play, target a
character you control with a Politics of 2 or more. Armsmen gains
targets allegiance(s). If target is a Lord, Lady, or the
target has a Politics of 3 or more, Armsmen permanently gains 1I
1C. If target is a High Lord, High Lady, or has a Politics of 4
or more, Armsmen permanently gains 1P 1I 1C.
COST: [P] [C][C]
--------------------------------------------------(Sage Minerve)
Heavy Cavalry (0/0/0/4)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. For each point of damage assigned to this Troop during
the Coming to Grips phase of a challenge, add a point of damage
to your Troop damage pool.
Cost [C][C][C]
Archers (0/0/0/2)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. All (damage) generated by this Troop are converted to
character damage.
Cost [P][C]
Spearmen (0/0/0/2)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. This troop generates (damage)(damage) when it rolls its
dice while participating in a challenge. All other results are
ignored. When assigning damage from an opponents troop damage
pool, you must place at least one damage token on Spearmen before
assigning damage to any other troop you control.
Lancers (0/0/0/3)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Reinforcement. Lancers gain 1 Combat while
participating in a challenge against Troops with Reinforcement.
Cost [C][C]
Raiders (0/1/0/2)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Pay [C] generated by this troop to draw a card.
Cost [C]
Skirmishers (0/0/0/2)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Skirmishers roll their dice during the Opening Moves
step of a challenge in which they are participating. If
Skirmishers generated at least (Damage), they may cease
particiption in the challenge. All results generated still apply.
Cost [C][C]
Volunteers (0/0/0/1)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Once per turn you may remove all damage from a troop
you control and place it on this troop instead.
Cost [P]
Guards (0/0/0/2)
Troop, Mercenary
Multiple. Guards may only participate in challenges that you did
not initiate. Once per turn, as an event, you may remove up to 2
damage from any character participating in the same challenge as
this Troop and place it on this troop instead.
Cost [P][C]
New Recruits (0/0/0/3)
Troop, Mercenary.
You may choose an allegiance when you recruit New Recruits. New
Recruits gains the chosen allegiance.
Cost: [C][C]
Arad Doman Hordes (0/0/0/
Troop, Mercenary
When Arad Doman Hordes is in the battleground, one opponent may,
as an event, pay [C][C][C] to gain control of wandering band at
the start of the next ready round.
Cost: [C][C]
Immigrants (4/0/0/0)
Shanchan. Forerunner. This troop's Polics dice may be rolled in
the last battle. Ignore all (Support)(Opposition) rolled by this
troop. As an event, this troop may pay (Politic) to remove (Support)(Opposition)
from an opponents Pool and add it to yours.
Cost: [P][P][P]
Loose Horde (0/0/0/5)
Troop, Mercenary
Loose whorde may not be healed by any means. When participating
in a challenge, this troop must always be assigned at least 1
point of Damage. Whenever Loose Horde is assigned Damage, you may
assign an equal amount of Damage to an opponent's troop also
participating in the challenge.
"A large force stormed down from the Plains of Arad Doman.
They were many, but untrained, and broke at the first sign of
real battle
Ordeith's Children
0P 1I 0OP 3C
Troop, Mercenary
Dark Nature. Children of the Light. You may only recruit this
card if you control Fain. You may rotate this card during the
Coming to Grips step and put a corruption token on it to put a
corruption token on a character or troop participating in a
challenge against it.
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