Card Ideas Archive
Illian Troop

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Council of Nine Security
Illian Troop
You may not recruit this troop if you do not have a Council of Nine member in play. If a Council of Nine member pays any part of this troops recruitment cost it's cost is reduced by 1 ability symbol. When participating in a challenge you may rotate this troop to remove up to 3 damage from any Council of Nine member participating in the same challenge.
Cost 1P2C

-----------------------------------------------(disk jockey)
Illian Security
Illian Troop
You may not recruit this troop if you do not have a Council of Nine member in play. If any non-multiple Illian character pays any part of this troop's recruitment cost it's cost is reduced by 1 ability symbol. When participating in a challenge you may rotate this troop to remove up to 3 damage from any non-multiple Illian character participating in the same challenge.
Cost 1P2C
-----------------------------------------------(e r buckwacker/disk jockey)
Illian Marines
Multiple. While participating in the same challenge as one or more naval troops with the Illian allegiance, Illian Marines and one Illian naval troop of your choice gain +1 combat.

Cost: C
Illian Cavalry
Troop, Illian
While participating in challenge with three or more characters with the Illian allegiance and a printed politics rating of 2 or more, Illian Outriders roll and additional combat dice when they roll their dice.
Cost: (P)(C)(C)

Illian Infantry
While participating in a non-card based challenge, you may rotate and kill Illian infantry to ready a non-starting character with the Illian allegiance that is particiapting in the same challenge as Illian Infantry.

Cost: (P)

Illian Outriders
Troop, Illian
Multiple. Reinforcement.
If you have three or more tokens on you section of the pattern, you may recruit this troop for (P) or (C). If you have six or more characters with the Illian allegiance in play you may recruit this troop for free.

Cost: (P)(C)

Illian Corsairs
Troop, Illian
Naval Troop. Multiple. Reinforcement.
Illian Corsairs may not participate in the pattern challenge or card based challenges initiated by an opponent.
As a limited event, you may pay (P)(I) to allow one Illian Corsair to participate in any challenge where troops can normally participate this turn. You may do this a number of times equal to the number of tokens on your section of the pattern.
Cost: (P)(P)(C)
Illian Border Fort
Troop, Illian
Illian Border Fort may only participate in challenges initiated the Illian nation contested advantage, card based challenges that target a Illian card you control, or the final battle.
As a limited event, rotate Illian Border Fort and target a troop with the Illian allegiance. The targeted troop may pay (C)(C) to move one point of damage from an opponents damage pool to an Illian Border Fort you control, and additionally generates (support)(opposition) while participating in a challenge with three or more troops with the Illian allegiance. As a limited event, you may pay (C)(C) generated by Illian Border Fort to remove one point of damage from a troop with the Illian allegiance.

Cost: (P)(C)

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