Card Ideas Archive
Andor Troop

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Two Rivers Defenders
Troop, Andor
Multiple, Two Rivers
This troop gains +1 Combat when participating in a challenge against Monsters or Children of the Light characters or troops. If you control Perrin Aybara this troop can be recruited for no cost.
Cost: C

---------------------------------------------------(e r bushwacker)

Andoran Border Guard
Troop, Andor
3 C
While participating in a challenge initiated by the Andor Nation contested Advantage, Andoran Border additionally generates (C)(damage). If you control three or more Lords or Ladies with the Andor allegiance, you may recruit this card for (C).
If you control a non mercenary troop without the Andor allegiance, discard this card.
Cost: (C)(C)


Andoran Elites
Troop, Andor
6 C
If you control Queen of Andor, the cost to recruit this troop is reduced by two abilities symbols of your choice. Whenever this troop is participating in a challenge, you may pay two combat rolled by this troop to put one point of damage on a single non-starting/non-taveren character of your choice. For every challenge lost, in which this troop has participated, put a "reputation" token on this card. For every 3 tokens on this card, this troop loses two combat permanently.
( P,P,P,C,C)


Andoran Militia
Troop Andor
When you recruit this troop, add PPP to your pool. These symbols have the Andor allegeince, and can only be used to recruit multiple Andor troops.
Cost: (C)

Andoran Garison
Troop, Andor
4 C
You can only recruit this troop if you control the Andor Nation Contested Adavntage. May only particiapte in challenges, which target a card you cotnrol or in the Last Battle. While participating in a challenge which targets a card with the Andor allegeince, this troop additionally generate (Opp, Opp) when it rolls its dice. You may pay PP generated by an Andor character to allow this troop to roll one additional combat dice this turn.
Cost: (P)(P)


Andor Heavy Infantry
Troop Andor
This troop must stand down from a challenge if all enemy troops have reinforcement. If all enemy troops lack reinforcement, this troop additionally generates DD. You may pay CC generated by Andor Heavy Infantry Troops to remove 1 damage from an enemy pool.
Cost: (P)(P)(C)(C)

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