Ideas Archive
Sedai Troops
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Warder Band
Troop, Aes Sedai.
As a limited event you may rotate Warder Band and roll it's dice.
Symbols generated by Warder Band may only be used to recruit
troops with the Aes Sedai allegiance.
Cost: CC
Secret agents
Troop, Aes Sedai, Multiple
2I 1C
When this troop is killed it is instead shuffled back into your
cost P,I
the Dragon)
Lots of Aes Sedai looking for trouble (name change needed)
Troop, Aes Sedai
5OP, 2C
cost: 2P, 3OP
the Dragon)
Political Pawns (better name...)
Troop, Aes Sedi
This troop acts as if it has all alliegences for bonuses and for
challenge participation. Once per game, you may rotate and kill
Political Pawns, and target a character you control. The target
looses all alliegences (though all alliegence-specific penalties
still apply), and all references IN THEIR EFFECT TEXT to an
alliegence now reference Aes Sedi.
Tower Regiment
Troop, Aes Sedai
When you recruit Tower Regiment, you may pay (OP) or
(P)(P) to draw a card.
Cost: PC
Tower Outriders
Troop, Aes Sedai
Multiple. Reinforcement.
While you control the Tar Valon contested advantage, this troop
gains 1 combat. This troop may pay (C) to remove one troop damage
generated by a troop without reinforcement.
Cost: (P)
Tower Elite Guard (name change needed)
Troop, Aes Sedai
If you control one female Aes Sedai character with a printed one
power ability of 2 or more, this troop rolls an additional combat
die when it rolls it's dice. When this troop participates in a
challenge, you may pay (OP)(OP) with the Aes Sedai allegiance to
have this troop generate (damage)(support)(opposition).
Cost: (P)(OP)(C)
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