Card Ideas Archive
Tear Characters

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Lord Estean
Character, Tear
For every 2 Tairen lords you control, all Tairen lords participating in a challenge roll an additional combat die.
[cost: P-C]

------------------------------------------------------ (Lex Naeblis)

High Lord Tedosian
Character, Tear
Dark Nature.
There is no cost to recruit High Lady Alteima if this card is in play, and if she is in play High Lord Tedosian gains +1 intrigue.
Whenever your opponent shuffles his deck, you may look at the top card of your own deck. You may return this card to the top of the deck, or shuffle it into your deck instead.
You may shuffle this card into your deck to search your deck for High Lady Alteima and place her in your hand.
[cost: P-I-I]

------------------------------------------------------ (Lex Naeblis)

Nalesean Aldiaya (2-1-0-2)
Tear. Light Nature. Lord. Band of the Red Hand.
Symbols generated by Mat don’t cause allegiance penalties when recruiting Nalesean. Nalesean may reinforce any challenge in which a Band of the Red Hand card is participating.

------------------------------------------------------ (SageMinerve)

Rodrivar Tihera
Character, Tear.
Captain of the Stone.
Additionally generates (Opp, Opp) when he rolls his dice. If you control Defenders of the Stone, they may participate in any challenge, if Rodrivar is a particiapant in the same challenge.
(Politic, Combat)

------------------------------------------------------ (HighLordXueyam)

Dermid Ajala (1/0/0/2)
Character, Tear
Light Nature. Blacksmith. Rotate Dermid Ajala to search your deck for Blacksmith's Hammer and place it in your hand. If Dermid Ajala pays any of the cost of a non-unique weapon
you may reduce the cost by an ability symbol of your choice.
Cost [P][P]

------------------------------------------------------ (BetrayerOfHope)

Lord Reimon (1/2/0/2)
Character, Tear
Light Nature. Fifth Squadron gains +1 Combat while participating in a challenge with Reimon. Mat does not cause an allegiance penalty when paying any of the cost to recruit Lord Reimon.
COST [P][I][I][C]

------------------------------------------------------ (BetrayerOfHope)

Lord Carlomin (2/1/0/2)
Character, Tear
Light Nature. Rotate to search your deck for Fourth Squadron and place it in your hand. Mat does not cause an allegiance penalty when paying any of the cost to recruit
Lord Carlomin.
Cost [P][P][I][C]

------------------------------------------------------ (BetrayerOfHope)

Lord of the Land
Character, Tear
As a limited event, this character may pay [P,I] to shuffle this card back into your deck, search your deck for a High Lord or High Lady, and play that card for no cost.
Cost: Politic, Politic

------------------------------------------------------ (HighLordXueyam)

Character, Tear

If you control two or more Lordlings, you may rotate a multiple character with the Tear allegiance to allow all High Lords and High Ladies to roll and additional Politics or Intrigue dice while participating in challenges this turn.

Cost (I)(C)

------------------------------------------------------ (Mimer)

Tairen Levyman
Character, Tear
Multiple. When Tairen Levyman rotates to heal, you may remove one point of damage from a multiple Tear character under your control.
Cost: (P)(C)

------------------------------------------------------ (Mimer)

Tairen Noble
Character, Tear
Multiple. If you control the Stone of Tear, you may pay (I)(I) generated by Tairen nobles participating in the same challenge to generate (support)(opposition).
Cost (P)(I)

------------------------------------------------------ (Mimer)

Ailhuin Guenna (2/0/0/1)
Character, Tear
You may shuffle this card from your hand into your deck to search your deck for Juilin Sandar, place him in your hand, and you may ignore any allegiance penalty to recruit him this turn. As a limited event, you may rotate Ailhuin while at the Homefront to remove one point of damage from another character at your Homefront.

------------------------------------------------------ (BetrayerOfHope)

High Lord Astoril (2/1/0/3)
Character, Tear
As an event, pay (Combat) generated by High Lord Astoril and target a Troop with the Tear allegiance in your Homefront. The target is moved the the Battleground and gains reinforcement until the end of the turn.
COST (P)(C)(C)

------------------------------------------------------ (BetrayerOfHope)
Tear Recruiter (sorry, don't know the books to well. Was their a "Recruiter" for the defenders in the books?)
Character, Tear
Multiple (?)
If the ability symbols used to recruit this character have an alliegence other than Tear, they cause an alliegence penalty. As a limited event, Tear Recruiter may pay C to create 2 "fresh recruits" tokens. These tokens are treated as 1C troops with the effect text "when this troop rolls it's dice, all symbols it generates are ignored. May only participate in a challenge if a Tarean Troop and Tear Recruiter are also participating.
Officer of the Defenders
Character Tear Multiple
If you control the Defenders of the Stone, they gain 1C when participating in the same challenge with a Officer of the Defenders.
----------------------------------------------------------(Captain of the Stone)

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