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Dark One Characters

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Aginor I
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain. Forsaken.
You may pay [One Power] from your pool to allow monsters to participate in challenges with characters with the Dark Nature trait this turn. Once per turn you may pay [Intrigue-One Power] generated by Aginor and rotate a monster character you control with the multiple trait to search your deck for another copy of that character. You may shuffle this card from your hand into your deck to reduce the recruiting cost of monster cards this turn by [combat].

---------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Lurk I
Character, Dark One
Monster. Myrddraal. Multiple. Reinforcement.
Ability symbols generated by this character may only be used to recruit Trolloc cards. As a limited event you may pay [combat] from your pool to ready Lurk and move him from your home ground to the battlefield.
Cost: (I)(I)(C)

--------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Character, Dark One
Monster. Reinforcement. Gholam may not be the target of advantages. Gholam may not be targeted by events with (OP) in their cost. All damage generated by Gholam must be applied to a character with a permanent OP ability if possible. Remove 2 points of damage from this character at the start of the Draw Round. If Gholam participates in a challenge where the Foxhead Medallion is present he is -1 combat.
Cost: (I)(OP)(OP)(C)(C)


Character, Dark One
Myddraal. Multiple. Reinforcement.
As an event, move Shadowman from your homefront to the battleground, or from the battleground to your homefront (and stand down from any challenges).
Cost: (OP)(C)(I)


Aginor II
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain. Forsaken.
If you recruited no cards this turn, rotate this card to search your deck for a Monster and place it in your hand. Aginor may pay (I) to generate (C).


Character, Dark One
Forsaken. Only ability symbols generated by a Forsaken may be used to recruit this character. Abilility symbols generated by Demandred cannot be used to recruit. When you recruit Demandred, place 3 allegiance tokens on him. As a limited event, remove an allegiance token from Demandred and rotate him - choose an allegiance, all cards you recruit with that allegiance this turn have thier cost reduced by 1 symbol of your choice. Discard from your hand to allow all Forsaken you control to pay (I) to generate (Support)(Opposition) this turn.
Cost (OP)(OP)(OP)(OP)


Character, Dark One
Monster. Multiple. Myrddraal. All Monster characters whose highest printed ability is 3 or less, gain +1 Combat while participating in a challenge with at least one Fetch and two other Monster characters.
Cost: (I)(C)
"Myrddraal…known by many names…Halfman, the Eyeless, Lurk…"


Lurk II
Character, Dark One
Monster. Multiple. Myrddraal. Reinforcement. Ability symbols generated by Lurk may not be used to recruit. All Trolloc characters participating in the same challenge as a Lurk roll an additional die for each ability when they roll that ability.
"Halfman, Lurk… the name depends on the land you're in, but they all mean Myrddraal."


Ryne Venamer
Character, Dark One
Dark Nature. Borderland. When you recruit Venamer you may search your deck for a Heron Mark Blade and place it on him for no cost. Venamer additionally generate (Damage) when participating in a challenge against Lan.
Cost (I)(C)(C)


Character, Dark One
All symbols other than damage generated by Soulless are ignored. Soulless' abilities cannot be increased. This character is recruited into the battlefield. When this character enters play, target a character your opponent controls that is participating in a challenge. Soulless may reinforce this challenge regardless of any restrictions, and all damage Soulless generates must be applied to the target.
If Soulless has less than 2 damage on him at the start of the draw round, shuffle him back into your deck.
Cost: (I)(I)(O)

-------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Trolloc Clan Chief
Character, Dark One
Monster. Multiple.
All Trolloc characters you control automatically generate [supp-opp] while participating in a challenge. When Trolloc Clan Chief rolls his dice, he additionally generates [combat]. This symbol may only be used to recruit Trolloc cards.
Cost: (P)(I)(C)

-------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Luc/Isam I
Character, Dark One
Dreamwalker. While participating in a challenge you may rotate Luc/Isam as a limited event to have him stand down. Roll his dice and add them to the challenge. Any damage generated by Luc/Isam is applied imediately. Rotate to search your deck for the Slayer advantage.
~Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom. Isam waited in the High passes. The Hunt is now begun.~
Cost: IICC


Character, Dark One
[1-2-4-0 ]
Only ability symbols generated by a character with the Forsaken trait may be used to pay for this character.
If the Hero player recruits Asmodean, remove this card from play. As a limited event, you may pay [I-OP] Asmodean generated to look at the top three cards in your opponents deck, and put them back in any order. As an event, discard this card from your hand to have your opponent discard two cards at random from his hand.
[cost: OP-OP-OP]

------------------------------------------------------------ (Lex Naeblis)
Isam (0/3/0/3)
Character, Dark One
If Luc is in play, this card cannot enter play. SYMBOLS THIS CHARACTER GENERATES CANNOT BE USED TO RECRUIT. REPLACE LUC. While participating in a challenge you may rotate Isam as a limited event to have him stand down. Roll his dice and add them to the challenge. Any damage generated by Isam is applied imediately. As an event, pay I,OP in order to search your deck for Luc, and replace Isam. If you do, Isam is placed in your deck instead of removed from game. As an event, discard this card from hand in order to give Luc +1 to all his printed abilities. MAY SHUFFLE THIS CARD INTO YOUR DECK TO SEARCH FOR A COPY OF LUC.
~Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom. Isam waited in the High passes. The Hunt is now begun.~


If Isam is in play, this card may not enter play. Symbols generated by Luc may only be used to recruit DO and Merc. cards. As a limited event, you may place Luc in the battleground. As an event, pay I,OP in order to search your deck for Isam, and replace Luc. If you do, Luc is placed in your deck instead of removed from game. As an event, discard this card from hand in order to give Isam +1 to all his printed abilities.


Padan Fain
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain. Mercenary. All Mercenaries you control roll an additional intrigue die when they roll their dice. You may play the Ruby Dagger on Fain for no cost. Fain gets +1C while he is the target of the Ruby Dagger. As a limited event, Fain may pay I to generate P or C. Any card which replaces this card keeps all of this character's effect text.

------------------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

Jharal Mordeth
Character, Mercenary
Replace a card that replaced Padan Fain. Ignore all corruption tokens attached to this character. Mordeth gets +1C while he is the target of the Ruby Dagger. You may target and put a corruption token on a character you control. Rotate the target, and Mordeth can recruit and participate in challenges this turn as if he had all of the target's allegiances.

-----------------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

Character, Dark One
Forsaken. Only ability symbols generated by a Forsaken may be used to recruit this character. Ability symbols generated by Balthamel cannot be used to recruit. Balthamel additionally generates [D] when he rolls dice. Discard from your hand to add 2 damage to a damage pool or 1 damage to an Aes Sedai character.

(Lex's note: I suggest changing the cost to (Op-Op-OP) due to small amount of dice/weak ability)

------------------------------------------------------------(From Precedence's 2nd Edition playtesting)

Aginor III
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain. Forsaken.
Monster characters and troops participating in non-LB challenges with Aginor roll an additional dice for each ability when they roll that ability. During each round of the last battle you may convert a pattern to have all monster characters and troops you control roll an additional dice for each ability when they roll that ability.
As a limited event, rotate Aginor to generate (I)(C)(C). These symbols have the Dark One allegiance and may only be used to recruit monster characters or troops.


Aginor IV
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain. Forsaken.
All monsters participating in a non-Last Battle challenge with Aginor roll an additional die for each printed ability.
You may convert a pattern during the Last Battle challenge to have all your monsters roll an additional die for each printed ability.
As a limited event, Aginor may pay [OP] to generate[CC].
When participating in a non-Last Battle challenge, Aginor is -1 to all non-One Power abilities.

--------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Padan Fain
1P 2I 0OP 1C
Character, Dark One
Starting Villain, Mercenary
All of your characters and troops with the Mercenary allegiance roll an additional Intrigue die when they roll their dice. You may play the Ruby Dagger on Padan Fain for no cost. Fain gets +1C while he is the target of the Ruby Dagger. Any card which replaces this card keeps all of this character's effect text.

--------------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

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