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Through the Rings
Only characters may participate in this challenge. Choose a character you control. That character must participate in this challenge. If you succeed by 3 or more, search your deck for 2 character advantages. Put one on the character, ignoring cost. Put the other in your hand.
The Dragon's Fang I
May only be initiated if you control any Children of the Light. Target any non-starting character in play. If the challenge succeeds, every character of the target's controller must roll their combat dice and apply any damage to the target.
Dragon's Fang II
May only be initiated if you control 5 Children of the Light characters AND troops. Target any non-Dark One, non-Ta'veren character in play. If the challenge succeeds, every character of the target's controller with the same allegiance as the target must roll their combat dice and apply any damage to the target. If you do not succeed in this challenge place 1 point of damage on every Children of the Light card you control. When this challenge resolves it is placed out of play.
----------------------------------------------------------(Mithrandir the Istari)
The Dragon's Fang III
May only be initiated if you control any Children of the Light. Target any non-starting, non-ta'veren character in play. If the challenge succeeds, every character of the target's controller must roll their combat dice and apply any damage to the target. As an event durring the card drawing round, the owner of target character convert a pattern. For every pattern he chooses to convert, he may remove 2 points of damage from the targeted character.
Band the Nations Together
Only a Hero player may initiate this challenge. Only Politics may be rolled in this challenge. If you succeed, this challenge becomes an advantage player targetting you with a token on it for each 2 by which you succeed and the following text: “As a limited event, rotate this advantage and remove a token from it. Until end of turn, all characters and troops you control gain the allegiances of all characters and troops you control.”
----------------------------------------------------------(Sage Minerve)
The Bargain Is Made

Only the Hero Player may initiate this challenge.
This challenge may only be initiated if Mat Cauthon is in play.
Only intrigue dice may be rolled in this challenge.
If this challenge succeeds, search your deck for Mat the Warrior, Ashandarei and Foxhead Medallion and place them in your hand. Your pattern is regarded as being two higher for the purposes of replacing Mat this turn.
When this challenges resolves, Mat receives (damage-damage)
----------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)
To Earn the Heron I

Target a non-Aiel, non-Monster, non-Ta'veren character you control with a printed combat ability of 3 or less, or the Dragon Reborn. Only this character and one character your opponent controls that has a printed combat ability may participate in this challenge.
If this challenge succeeds, this character's combat ability becomes 4 and you may search your deck for a heron-mark blade advantage and place it on the character.
----------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)
To Earn the Heron II
Target a non-Aiel, non-Monster character you control with a permanent combat ability of 3. Only this character and one character your opponent controls that has a printed combat ability may participate in this challenge. If successful, the target character's combat ability is permanently increased to 4 and you may search your deck for a Heron-Mark Blade advantage and place it on the character for no cost.
Slowly Turns the Wheel

When revealed, this challenge automatically recieves a number of opposition equal to the number of neutral pattern. If you succeed, remove a Neutral Pattern from the game. If you succeed by 3 or more, you may remove an additional Neutral Pattern. If your opponent rolls no oppostion in this challenge, you may remove another Neutral Pattern.

If successful, no challenge that directly adds pattern may be initiated next turn except for the Pattern challenge.


If successful, no challenge except for the Pattern challenge may be initiated next turn.


Only intrigue may be rolled in this challenge. If initiated by a Villain player, target a Dark Nature character controlled by an opponent. If initiated by a Hero player, target a Light Nature character controlled by an opponent. If you succeed by five or more, this challenge becomes a character advantage on the target with the following text: The target is controlled by the controller of this advantage as long as it remains in play. If no opponent has any Dark Nature or Light Nature characters in play, target a player. If this challenge is successful, that player may draw two cards.

Quote: "…Changu…And Didao…They fought at Tarwin's Gap, a month gone, and saved Lord Angelmar when his horse went down with Trollocs all around him. Now this. Darkfriends." The Great Hunt

The support of the People

When you play this card, target a nation contested advantage you control. This challenge gains a S for every 2 tokens you control this NCA by. If you succeed, this challenge becomes a player advantage which reads: "Durring the LB challenge, rotate this advantage and remove 3 control tokens from target NCA as an event to add S,Opp to your pool for every 3 you control the NCA by."
Daes Dae'mar

No troops may participate in this challenge. Characters participating in this challenge generate an additional <support><opposition> for each Intrigue they roll. If you succeed, choose one of the following: Place 3 Control tokens on Cairhein, look at your opponent's hand, or force your oppenent to discard 2 random cards.

"Great value is given to subtlety...and to achieving ends with the least visible effort."
Witch Hunt

Characters with an allegiance other than Aes Sedai, Dark One or Children of the Light cannot participate in this challenge. If you succeed, your opponent must search his deck for the first card with the Aes Sedai allegiance and discard it.
Duel of Honor

Target a single character with a printed combat ability controlled by each player. Only the targetted characters may participate in this challenge. If you succeed, this becomes a character advantage on the character you control with the following text: gains +1 Politics and +1 Combat. If you succeed and were opposed by more than one character, the text reads: gains +2 Politics and +2 Combat.

"Death is lighter than a feather and duty is heavier than a mountain."
Trading Dispute

Only cards with the Illian or Tear allegiance may participate in this challenge. If you succeed, you may remove 5 control tokens from Tear or Illian and discard the City of Illian or The Stone of Tear from play.
Military Invasion

No troops may participate in this challenge. Ignore all <support> and <opposition> rolled in this challenge. For each <damage> rolled, you automatically generate a <support> or <opposition>. If you succeed, you may add tokens to a nation contested advantage as if you were participating in a nation contested challenge.
Battle of Dumai's Wells

May only be initiated once per game by the Hero. Only characters and troops with the Aes Sedai, Aiel, Dark One, Dragon, or Mercenary allegiances may participate in this challenge. If you succeed, this card becomes a player advantage with the following text: Prophecy. All Aes Sedai characters you control gain the Dragon allegiance.

"The unstained tower breaks and bends knee to the forgotten sign."
Political Alliance

No combat may be rolled in this challenge. If you succeed, this challenge becomes a Player Advantage targetting you with the following text: Rotate this card to remove two of your Control Tokens from any Nation Contested advantage to add one Control token to another Nation Contested advantage.

Status Quo

This challenge has opposition equal to twice the tokens on your opponent's side of the pattern.
If this challenge is succesful, convert all pattern tokens in play to neutral tokens.
----------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)
What Was, What Is and What Will Be

Each player may only play this challenge once per game.
If this challenge is successful, take a card of your choice from your discard pile and the top and bottom card of your deck and place them in your hand.
----------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Cleansing the Taint
You may initiate this challenge only if the Taint and Shadar Logoth are in play. This challenge gains [opp] for each Forsaken in play. This challenge gains [supp] [supp] [supp] [supp] [supp] if you control the Choedan Kal. If you succeed by 20 or more, convert all neutral tokens to your section of the pattern and remove the Taint from the game. The Taint cannot be played for the remainder of the game.

------------------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

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