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Player Advantage

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Title: The Queens Blessing
Advantage, Player
Inn. You may shuffle this card from your hand into your deck to search your deck for an Inkeeper and place him in your hand. As a limited event rotate this advantage and an Inkeeper you control to remove 1 point of damage from up to 4 characters that you control.
Cost: [Politics][Politics][Intrigue]

----------------------------------------------------(Mithrandir the Istari)

Banner of Manetheren
Advantage, Player
All Two Rivers Characters and Troops you Control gain +1 Combat. Rotate to Give all Band of the Red Hand Characters and Troops +1 Combat. You must Control Mat or Perrin to play this card.


Banner of the Red Hand
Advantage, Player
Only a Hero player may play this advantage.
As an event, rotate a character you control with the Band of the Red Hand trait to remove up to two points of damage from a band of the red hand troop you control.
[cost: C-C]

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Riding the Shadow
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage. During the ready round, put one damage on all non-starting characters and troops you control which do not have the Dark One allegiance. As a limited event, rotate this card and target a number of Myrddraal you control up to twice the number of tokens on your section of the pattern. The targets may reinforce any challenge in which a Ta'veren and/or a Dark Nature character is participating. All non-Forsaken, non-monster Dark One characters you control additionally generate [support][opposition] when they roll their dice while participating in a challenge with a Myrddraal. If a Myrddraal you control with a printed combat ability generated no [combat] when he rolled his dice, he additionally generates a [combat]. This symbol may only be used to recruit cards with the Dark One allegiance or the Dark Nature trait.

Quote: "Halfmen rode shadows like horses, so the legends said, and when they turned sideways, they disappeared. No wall could keep them out." The Dragon Reborn.


"Easy" Allegiance Gainer
Advantage, Player
Rotate this advantage and remove a token from a nation contested advantage you control.
Target character you control gains that allegiance as long as you control the nation contested advantage.
Cost: 2 Politics, 1 One Power


Of Wolf and Man
Advantage, Player
Requirements: Control Perrin and 4 Wolf cards. Benefits: Ability symbols generated by your wolve cards you control are no longer ignored. While participating in a challange your wolves additionally generate 1 damage when they roll their dice.
"There was a time when wolves ran side by side with men"

------------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Luck of the Band
Advantage, Player
Requirements: Control Mat and 4 Band of the Red Hand cards. Benefits: Band of the Red Hand cards, except Mat, may re-roll 1 die after making their initial roll. The old result is ignored. While participating in a challange, you may target one opponents character and/or troop for every 1 BotRH card participating in the same challange. You may cause the target(s) to re-roll one die of your choice after making his initial roll. The old result is ignored.
"Aso ain dovie'andise tovya sagain"

----------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Under One Nation
Advantage, Player
Choose one of the following allegainces when you paly this card. Illian,Andor,Cairhien or Tear Recuirements: All non-starting characters and troops must have the chosen allegaince. Benefits: At the start of a Last Battle challange you may add 1 support or opposition for each char/troop pairing participating in the challange.

-----------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

The Power of Trading
Advantage, Player
Discard if you don't control Illian. Once per turn you may shuffle back a card you drew last turn from your hand to draw the top card from your deck.

---------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Political Power or Pen Mightier then the Sword
Advantage, Player
Discard if you don't control Andor. You may pay 2 Politics generated by an Andor card to remove 1 character damgage in a challange.

---------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Advantage, Player
Discard if you don't control Cairhien. Once per turn you may look at the top card of opponents deck

----------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Advantage, Player
Discard if you don't control Tear. While Opposing a card based or contested advantage your Tear cards generate and additional Opposition when they roll 2 Opposition.

-----------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

The Great Lord Will Choose Another
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage. If your starting character is mortally wounded, target another Forsaken you control. That Forsaken gains the starting character trait. Your original starting character loses that trait and must be placed in the killed pile this turn. You may replace your starting forsaken with it's recruitable counterpart if you have a number of pattern tokens equal to or greater than that character's one power.


Trolloc Cook Pot
Advantage, Player
May only be played by a villain player. Whenever a player puts a non-monster character or troop in his killed pile, you may place that card under Trolloc Crock Pot. The card is still concidered in players killed pile. As an event, you may place out of play a card under Trolloc Crock Pot to remove x damage from Trolloc Cards in your homefront that you control where x equals the char/troops highest printed ABILITY.
"I suppose they got hungry and the Darkfriends were handy"

-------------------------------------------------(Lord Perrin Goldeneyes)

Two Thrones as One
Advantage, Player
Requirements: You must control the Lion Throne, the Sun Throne, and either King Gaebril or Elayne. You must control the Andor and Cairhien nation contested advantages by at least 5. You must also control 5 characters and/or troops with the Andor Allegiance and at least 5 characters and/or troops with the Cairhien allegiance.
Benefits: All characters and troops in play with the Andor or Cairhien allegiance and non-wolf mercenaries gain the Cairhien and Andor allegiances. You may search your deck for Al'cairrahienallen, Caemlyn and a character with the Andor or Cairhien allegiance and place them in your hand.

-------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

The Royal Line (of Andor)
Advantage, Player
Requirements: Control at least 3 (4?) of the following characters: Rand al'Thor, Elayne Trakand, Morgase Trakand, Gawyn, Galad or Luc/Isam.
Benefits: Each of those characters you control, rolls an additional dice for all abilities while participating in a challenge. They additionally generate SSOpOp (maybe SOpDmg?) when rolling their dice in the Last Battle.
~The very first thing she had ever Foretold, was that the royal line of Andor would be key to defeating the Dark One in the Last Battle~


Rahvin's Prophecy
Advantage, Player
Requirements: Rahvin must be your starting character. Recruit Morgase Trakand and play Caemlyn and Lord Gaebril. Control the Andor nation contested advantage by at least 6 for 4 consecutive turns. If Elayne is on the table, she must either be under your control or in a killed pile.
Benefits: Your Andor troops roll an extra 2 combat dice during challenges. Andor characters may use their Politics during the Last Battle. During the Last Battle, only damage generated by The Dragon Reborn may be applied to Rahvin.


I will not destroy what is mine
Advantage, Player
Requirements: Your starting character must have the Illian allegiance. You must control the Illian nation contested advantage by 5, and the City of Illian. You must control 5 characters and 5 troops with the Illian allegiance.
Benefits: All Illian troops you control may pay [damage] to remove a point of damage from an opponents troop damage pool. Once per turn, as an event, each character you control with the Council of Nine trait may pay two ability symbols they generated to remove up to two damage from a card with the Illian allegiance.

-----------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Forced into hiding
Starting Adv.
If you generated less dmg. than your opponent in a challenge you both participated in, you may pay S,S if you initiated the challenge, or OPP,OPP if you opposed, in order to remove 1dmg from a dmg pool.


War and Politics (War and Peace...ehmmm...sorry, this one needs a better name)
Advantage, Player
During the last battle, rotate this card and convert a pattern to target any number of characters with a printed politics rating of 2 or more. For every two characters targeted, add (support)(opposition)
If you control a card with the Andor allegiance, discard this advantage.
Cost: (P)(I)(C)


The Power Behind the Throne
advantage, Player
For each character with the King or Queen trait in play, your starting character gains +1 politics and the allegiance of that character.
[cost: P-I-I]

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

The Dragon is Reborn
advantage, player
Starting Advantage
Whilst in a challenge, the Dragon Reborn and all Forsaken participating in the same challenge additionally generate [support-opposition].
If the Dragon Reborn is not in play, you may convert one of your pattern tokens to a neutral token during the Challenge Round to reveal the face-down Rand card and place him in his controllers home front. This card permanently loses the Starting Hero trait. If this card is not the target of the Callandor advantage at the end of the turn, place it face-down again.

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

The Water Gift
Advantage, player
Target a cairhien character you control. This turn symbols generated by the target may be used to recruit without causing an allegiance penalty. The recruitedcharacter gains the Cairhien allegiance.


Casulties of the Game
Advantage, Player
The effect text of this card may not be used until you control at least 4 cards with the Cairhien alliegence. If you ever control a non-starting character with an alliegence other then Cairhien, discard this card immediately. Once per turn, as a limited event, you may remove the top card of your deck from the game in order to place a pt of dmg on a character with a minimum printed ability of at least 2 or greater. If there are no cards in your draw deck, kill your starting character.


"Rally to the Stone!" (is this name taken already?)
The effect text of this advantage cannot be used until you control at least 3 troops with the Tear allegence. Durring the opening moves step of a challenge before you assign dmg., you may remove 1 dmg. from both your character and troop damage pools for each troop with the Tear allegence in this challenge.


The Dark One's Hound
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage. Discard this card if you do not control Fain. Once per game, you may rotate this card to search you deck for the Ruby Dagger or a card which can replace Padan Fain and put it in your hand. You may rotate this card and Fain to allow all of your cards with the Mercenary allegiance or Monster trait to reinforce a challenge in which a character with the Starting Hero and Ta'veren traits is participating this turn. Your characters and troops participating in a challenge with Fain ignore the Monster trait.

---------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

High Lords and Ladies
Starting Advantage. As a limited event, rotate a High Lord or High Lady at your homefront to recduce the cost of all Tear cards you recruit this turn by 1 ability symbol of your choice. Rotate a High Lord or High Lady at your homefront to reduce the cost of the next High Lord or High Lady you recruit this turn to zero.


Rally to the Stone (sorry, but I couldn't think of any other name)
Starting Advantage. If you control the Stone of Tear, you may rotate it to remove up to 5 tokens from an opponents troop damage pool. As a Limited Event, rotate 2 copies of a Tear troop you control to search your deck for another copy of the same troop and recruit it for no cost. If you control the Stone of Tear, all Tear cards you control additionally generate [Opp] while participating in a card-based challenge.


The City of Tear
When you recruit a Card with the Tear allegience, add [P,C] to your pool. These symbols have the Tear allegeince and can only be used to recruit Tear cards. If you control the Stone of Tear, rotate it as a limited event to remove a point of damage from all Tear troops you control. Remove one of your control tokens from Tear to target a Tear card you control. While participating in a non-Last Battle challenge. The target additionally generates [S,Os] when they roll thier dice this turn.


The Rite of Guarding
Once per turn, rotate a High Lord or High Lady you control and shuffle a card from your hand into your deck to search your deck for one of the following cards and place it in your hand: Callandor, Tear, The Stone of Tear, Heart of the Stone, The Stone Still Stands, The Stone Shall Fall.


Andor Starting Advantage (I'll think of a name if we use this card in the set)
Once per game, search your deck for a Queen of Andor or Daughter-Hier character and place her in your hand. While you control The Lion Throne, all Andor characters you recruit have thier cost reduced by [P], after all other modifiers. If you control Caemlyn, during the Opening Moves step of a non-Last Battle challenge, for each [P,P,P] you pay with the Andor allegeince to remove 2 points of damage from any damage pool.


Daes Dae'mar
Starting Advantage
Discard any card you control with an allegeince other than Dragon, Dark One or Carhien. If you control Al'cair'rahienallen, you may convert any [i] you roll during a non-Last Battle challenge into [S,Os]. As an event, discard a random card from your hand to force an opponent to discard a random card from thier hand. Once per turn, as a Limited Event, pay [I,I,I] from a single character you control to shuffle a card from your discard pile into your deck.


The Ritual of Compulsion
advantage, player
Only a Villain player may play this card.
Requirements: There must be 6 tokens on your side of the pattern. You must control 13 characters with the Myrddraal trait, and 13 Dark One characters with a printed One Power ability.
Benefits: Target a character controlled by your opponent. This character loses all original allegiances, gains the Dark One alegiance, and is placed in your home front under your control. If your opponent no longer controls a starting character, he loses the game.

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Knives in the Dark
Advantage, player
Starting Advantage
All non-starting, non-Forsaken Dark One characters you control that have at least one other allegiance permanently lose the Dark One allegiance and gain +1 intrigue and the Dark Nature trait.
Rotate this card and a dark nature character you control to allow monsters to participate in challenges with dark nature characters this turn.
Rotate this card and a dark nature character you control to allow all dark nature characters you control participating in a challenge to pay a singe [intrigue] to generate [damage].

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Lord of The Grave
Advantage, Player
Only a Villain player may play this advantage.
If you do not control Shayol Ghul with 5 or more, discard this card.
As a limited event, you may pay [OP-OP-OP-OP] from your pool and rotate this card to search your killed pile for a Forsaken character and place it in your hand.
Characters who were killed by a Balefire effect may not be targeted by this advantage.

---------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

Bannered Cross the Sky in Fire
Advantage, Player
May only be played by the Hero.
Requirements: Succeed in 3 card based challenges in which the Dragon Reborn is a participant. Advantages. Control the Horn of Valere by 20 or more.
Benefits: During the Last Battle, all non-Dragon allegiances of characters and troops you control are ignored. All characters and troops you control gain the Dragon allegiance.


The Dome of Truth
Advantage, Player
If you control a card other than your starting character with the Dark One, Dragon, or Aes Sedai allegiance, discard this advantage. If your opponent has less pattern than you, as an event you may rotate this card and burn a pattern to force him to place a character he just recruited back into his hand. That character cannot be recruited again this turn or the next turn.


The Karaethon Cycle
Advantage, Player
Discard this card if you do not control a Gleeman. As a limited event, rotate this card to search your deck for an advantage or challenge card with "Prophecy" on it and place it directly into play.


The Dark One's Hound
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage. Discard this card if you do not control Fain. Once per game, you may rotate this card to search your deck for a card that can replace Padan Fain and put it in your hand. You may rotate this card and Fain to allow all of your characters and troops to reinforce a challenge in which the Dragon Reborn is participating this turn. Your characters and troops without the Dark One allegiance can participate in challenges with Monsters.

----------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

Play on Shadar Logoth. At the end of the resolution round, roll an intrigue die for each character and troop that participated in a challenge initiated by Shadar Logoth. If you roll [damage], kill it. Fain ignores this effect.

----------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

Advantage, Player
Discard this card if you do not control Shadar Logoth. All of your characters and troops with any corruption tokens attached to them roll an additional die for each ability when they roll their dice.

-----------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

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