Card Ideas Archive
Character Advantage

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Thakandar-wrought Blade
Adv, Char
May only target a Myrddraal
When the target rolls his dice during a challenge, add [skull] to your pool. This damage may only be healed by paying [OP].
Cost: ICC

Thakandar Blade
Advantage, Character
Target a Monster. Any character or troop damaged by the target receives one additional damage at the end of the resolution round.
------------------------------------------------------(Mendo Entallo)

Thakan'dar Blade

Advantage, Character

Only ability symbols with the Dark One Allegiance may be used to pay the cost of this card. Target a monster character. The character gains +1 Combat. While participating in a challenge, the character additionally generates [combat]. Any character that takes damage from the target and is not completely healed by the end of turn does not ready the following turn. When the target is placed in your killed pile, you may shuffle the target and/or this card back into your deck.

Cost: 1 Intrigue, 1 Combat.

Quote: "Trolloc weapons are made at the forges in the valley called Thakan'dar…Those tainted blades make wounds that will not heal unaided…"

Dark Steed

Advantage, Character:

Pay any ability symbol generated by a Myrddraal to play this card. Target a Myrddraal. The target gains Reinforcement. As a limited event, rotate this card to remove one damage token from the target. While participating in a challenge with one or more monster troops, the target additionally generates [support][opposition] when he rolls his dice.

Quote: "…Myrddraal galloped up and down on midnight horses…" The Shadows Rising

Advantage, Character.
While the target is participating in a challenge, you may rotate this card to remove a number of tokens from your opponents character damage pool equal to the targets current combat ability.
Cost: Combat
Perhaps add: Target a non-Aiel character.

Sword Breaker
Advantage, Character
Play this card on any Character with a printed C of at least 2. They gain +1 C. As an event, rotate this card and target a character who is participating in a challenge with this character who is also the target of a weapon advantage. The target's weapon is rotated for no effect (text is blank). When you play this ability you may also choose to rotate your character and roll their C dice. If you roll as many (C symbols) as your character's permanent C ability, the targetted character is also rotated for no effect.

Enter in the Flesh
Advantage, Character
Target a charcter you control. The target gains the Dreamwalker trait. Target character is -1 to his highest ability, you choose if tied."They say you lose something of yourself if you come here in the flesh, some part of what makes you human."
Cost: OP

Enter in the Flesh
Advantage, Character
Target a character you control with a permanent OP rating of 4 or higher. Target character gains the Dreamwalker trait.

Dark Manipulation
Advantage, Character
Target Moghidien, Lanfear, Graendal, Bel'al, Ishamael, Asmodean, Ravihn, Samuel, Bethalamel, Damandred, Aginor, Semaharad, or Messana (did I miss anyone ?) Symbols they generate GAIN the ability to recruit light natured characters whithout the light natured penalty. As an event, rotate this advantage and target a non-dark natured, non-dark one character. Symbols the target generates may also be used to recruit light natured characters without penalty.

Hidden Foes
Advantage, Character
Only a Villain player may play this advantage.
Target a non-Forsaken, non-monster character that has the Dark One allegiance and at least one other allegiance. That character loses the Dark One allegiance and gains +1 intrigue and the Dark Nature trait.
Target character may still participate in challenges with monsters. As an event, you may discard this card from play to search your deck for a non-monster, non-forsaken character with the Dark One allegiance or a dark nature character and place it in your hand.
[cost: I-I]

-----------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

The Price of Loyalty
Target a character or a troop with the Mercenary allegiance. Select a character you control with a Politics of 2 or more and choose one of his allegiances. Target gains the chosen allegiance. You may pay P as a limited event to remove the Mercenary allegiance from the target.

------------------------------------------------------(Sage Minerve)

"Old Blood"
Character Advantage
Play on any non-Forsaken, non-monster character. Choose one of the following:
A) +1 to [politics] or [intrigue] or [combat].
B) Character gains reniforcement.
C) Character can re-roll one die roll. Final result stands.
Cost: I,P,C

Sword of Saidin
Avantage, Character
Target a character who has printed One Power and Combat abilities. Target character gains +1 combat. When participating in a challenge, this character may pay [OP] to generate [Damage].
You cannot use the Blacksmith's Hammer to search for this card.
[cost: OP-OP]
------------------------------------------------------(Lex Naeblis)

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