The Seven Steps
As suggested by Betrayer of Hope
Step 1: Select the
Council members
Step 2: Decide on
the theme
Step 3: Decide on
the number of cards to produce
Step 4: Decide on
the distribution of the cards
Step 5: Decide on
the distribution within each card type (how many of each type of
advantage, character allegiance, etc)
Step 6: Decide on
the actual cards that we will create (not the text or stats, but
the name/idea)
Step 7: Once 1-6 are
done we can begin creating the actual cards and arguing about
stats and text and such.
1: Select
the Council members
Nomiations and volunteers were taken. A vote was taken to decide
how many representitives should come from each area of the world.
Another vote was taken to decide who should be the Canadian
representitives. There was a change in one of the U.S. positions.
After these things were done, these were the people chosen members of the "Council of Nine"
Betrayer of Hope - USA
Lord of the Morning - USA
Siven - USA
Mithrandir the Istari (formerly Mattrim) - Canada
Lord Perrin Goldeneyes - Canada
Lex Naeblis - Europe (Holland/Belgium)
Mimer - Europe (Sweden)
High Lord Xueyam - Other (Australia)
Tom Bombadil II - Other (New Zeland)
The Council members will be
the ones who will have the final say in any disputed issues of
the creation process.
back to 'The Seven Steps'
2: Decide
on the theme
A poll was put to the players to decide the theme.
The majority voted for a a general exapnsion - which would focus
on evening up the allegeinces. Other options were mainly Aes
Sedai and Asha'man related.
The General expansion (basically a 2nd Edition - hence the name
of this page) was chosen for the following major reasons
1 - This is our first attempt
at this, so we don't want to create whole new allegeinces
(Asha'man) or deck types (Tower, Rebels), then realise that we
have done it badly and have to fix it all up in the future.
2 - People would rather see the a variety of decks able to used
competitively, than to have 2 allegeinces (Aes Sedai and Aiel)
which are dominant.
back to 'The Seven Steps'
3: Decide
on the number of cards to produce
People again voted to "keep it simple, so if we make
mistakes in this exapnsion the damage will be minimal" - so
the number of cards was voted to be kept small - 40 is the number
we will be working with.
back to 'The Seven Steps'
4: Decide
on the distribution of the cards
The majority of people seemed to agree with the following numbers
of each type of card:
16 characters
9 troops
10 advantages
3 events
2 challenges
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5: Decide
on the distribution within each card type (how many of each type
of advantage, character allegiance, etc)
These numbers were decided on.
2 Andor, Tear, Cairhien, Aes
Sedai, Mercenary, Dragon and Dark One -
1 Children of the Light, Illian characters
1 troop of each allegeince except Aiel
6: Decide
on the actual cards that we will create (not the text or stats,
but the name/idea)
This step has ended up
blending in with step 7. We are putting ideas for cards as well
as text for those cards up at once. Because there are so many
threads open on the Players Set Card Ideas forum, The Council of
Nine has decided that it will soon begin putting a finishing time
on each thread (one at a time) so that they can take all the
ideas and opinions from that thread and decide on what cards
& texts will be playtested. Once one card/group of cards has
been put into playtesting, the next thread will closed, and so
back to 'The Seven Steps'
7: Once 1-6
are done we can begin creating the actual cards and arguing about
stats and text and such.
Being done at the moment. The Council will soon begin deciding on
cards and texts to be put into the playtesting phase.
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