Dream Cards - Aiel

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Yes, we've already got a pile of them after Children of the Dragon, but there's still a few that were missed...here they are.

Light Nature. Taardad Aiel
All Taardad Aiel troops you control permanently gain the trait Multiple. Rotate Heirn to move up to 4 damage from a Car'a'carn you control to a Taardad Aiel troop you control.
(Combat, Combat, Combat)

Character, Aiel
Shaido Aiel.
Kill Desaine to give all Dark Nature. Shaido Aiel. Wise One. characters you currently control +1 intrigue permanently.
(One Power, Intrigue)

Egwene Apprenticed
Character, Aiel
Light Nature. Dreamwalker.
You must control 2 Wise One. Dreamwalker. characters to play this card. Replace Egwene al'Vere. Egwene loses the Aes Sedai allegience. As an event, rotate any number of Dreamwalker characters you control, roll thier dice and add any to a target challenge.

Character, Aiel
Miagoma Aiel. Maiden of the Spear
Ability symbols generated by this character cannot be used to recruit. Rotate Lamelle and 2 other Maiden of the Spear characters as a Limited Event to search your deck for a character advantage which can target the Dragon Reborn and place it on the Dragon Reborn for no cost.
(Combat, Combat)

Character, Aiel
Shaido Aiel.
You must control Couladin to use this card in any way. If you do not control another copy of this card, discard this card from your hand to make all Shiado Aiel cards you control generate an additional when they roll thier dice this turn while participating in a challenge against Dragon cards or Light Nature Aiel cards.
(Combat, Combat)

Character, Aiel
Taardad Aiel. Gai'shain.
Ability symbols generated by this character cannot be used to recruit. Rotate to search you deck for Aviendha and place her in your hand. Rotate Niella and 4 Maiden of the Spear characters you control to search your deck for a replacement of the Dragon Reborn and place it in your hand.

Nakai Aiel. Thunder Walker.
All Thunder Walkers you control generate additional when they roll thier dice.
(Combat, Combat, Combat)

Character, Aiel
Daryne Aiel. Maiden of the Spear.
Abillty symbols generated by this character cannot be used to recruit. Rotate Somara and 2 other Maiden of the Spear characters - the Dragon Reborn cannot be assigned damage from damage pools this turn.

The Chief of Chiefs
Advantage, CharacterTarget a Car'a'carn you control. The target generates whenever you recruit an Aiel character. These symbols have only the Aiel allegeince and can only be used to recruit. During the Resolution Round, if you recruited no characters this turn, rotate this card to search your deck for the top card with the Aiel allegeince and place it in your hand. Rotate this card to move up to 2 points of damage from the target to an Aiel character you control.

Al'cair Dal
The cost for you to recruit Clan Chief characters is increased by for every Clan Chief you control. Rotate this card and pay from any Clan Chief or Car'a'carn character(s) to search your deck for the top Clan Chief and place it in your hand. During the Last Battle, all Clan Chief and Car'a'carn characters you control may roll 1 politics dice when they roll thier dice.

Advantage, Character
Target an Aiel character you control with a Dark Nature. The target gains the Dark One allegience. Shuffle this card from your hand into your deck to search your deck for a Dark Nature Aiel character and place it in your hand. Discard from your hand to allow all Aiel cards you control to participate in challenges with monsters this turn.

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