Dream Cards - Aes Sedai
With the White Tower expansion on the way... (apparently), I thought I would get Aes Sedai and Asha'man out of the way before the real cards come out, and my ideas become obsolete.
Adeleas Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Brown Ajah.
Adeleas gains +1 politics and intrigue if you control Vandene.
Rotate Adeleas and discard 2 cards from your hand to take a card
from your discard pile and place it in your hand.
(Politics, One Power)
Adeleas and Vandene had gone into voluntary retreat so long
ago that few even in the White Tower remembered they still lived
Character, Aes Sedai
Warder. Bonded to Siuan Sanche.
Discard this card if you control The Rebels or The Tower Divided.
You may recruit Siuan Sanche as if your pattern was 2 higher.
(Combat, Combat)
Alviarin Sedai
Character, Dark One
Aes Sedai. White Ajah. Black Ajah. Tower. Keeper of the
While participating in a challenge, rotate Alviarin and target
another character with only the Aes Sedai allegeince
participating in the same challenge. The targets effect text is
blanked and all results they roll are ignored this turn. All Black
Ajah you recruit have their cost reduced by one symbol
of your choice, after all other modifiers.
(Politics, Politics, Intrigue, Intrigue, One Power, One Power)
Annoura Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Gray Ajah. Light Nature.
Rotate to search your deck for Berelain and place her in your
hand. While you control Berelain, all of Annoura's generated
ability symbols have all allegiences for recruiting purposes.
(Politics, Politics)
Character, Aes Sedai
Warder. Bonded to Sheriam Sedai.
Gains +1 politics and intrigue if you control The Rebels.
(Combat, Combat)
Avar Hachami
Character, Aes Sedai
Warder. Bonded to Myrelle Sedai.
If you do not control Myrelle Sedai, immediately kill this
Cadsuane Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Green Ajah. Light Nature.
Cannot be controlled by a Villain player. You must control at
least 5 cards with only the Aes Sedai allegeince to recruit this
character. Rotate to reduce the cost of the next card you recruit
this turn with an Ajah trait to zero.
(Politics, Politics, Politics)
High Captain Chubain
Character, Aes Sedai
Rotate this character to search your deck for the top troop with
the Aes Sedai allegeince and place it in your hand. As a limited
event, rotate Chubain to have him generate
- these symbols may
only be used to recruit Aes Sedai troops.
(Politics, Combat, Combat, Combat)
Character, Aes Sedai
Master of Arms.
While you control Coulin, all Warder cards you
control gain +1 combat.
(Combat, Combat, Combat)
Danelle Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Brown Ajah. Tower.
Once per turn, you may discard a random card from your hand to
force an opponent to discard a random card from their hand. All generated by Danelle
is converted into
(One Power, One Power)
Danelle Sedai (2)
Advantage, Character
Target Mesaana. Mesaana gains +1 intrigue, the Aes Sedai
allegeince and the traits Brown Ajah and
Tower. Rotate this card to add 3 points of opposition to
a target challenge. All Black Ajah cards you
control may reinforce any challenge in which Mesaana is
Elaida the Amyrlin
Character, Aes Sedai
The Amyrlin Seat. Tower.
You must control The Tower Divided to play this card. You must
control at least 5 Tower cards to play this card. Replace Elaida
Sedai. If Elaida rolls a number of equal to her permanent One Power ability,
look at the top 5 cards of a players deck. You may discard up to
two of the cards you view, and you may then shuffle that players
deck. Whenever you succeed at a card-based challenge you
initiated, target an opponent - the target must discard a random
card form thier hand.
Egwene the Amyrlin
Character, Aes Sedai
The Amyrlin Seat. Salidar. Dreamwalker. Light Nature.
May only be played by a Hero player. You must control The Rebels
to play this card. You must control at least 5 Salidar cards to
play this card. Replace a card that replaced Egwene al'Vere. When
she rolls her dice, Egwene additionally generates
for every Sitter
you control. Rotate to search your deck for the top character or
troop with the One Power ability and place it in your hand.
Rotate to target Nynaeve and/or Elayne - the target(s) are
returned to their owners hand.
Falion Sedai
Character, Dark One
Aes Sedai. White Ajah. Black Ajah.
When Falion is declared a participant in a challenge, you may
place a point of damage on up to 2 Aes Sedai cards participating
in the same challenge as Falion.
(Intrigue, One Power)
Galina Sedai
Character, Dark One
Aes Sedai. Red Ajah. Black Ajah.
When you recruit a Red Ajah character, Galina
. Shuffle this card
from your hand into your deck to search for a Red Ajah character
and place it in your hand.
Character, Aes Sedai
Once per turn, target up to 2 other characters you control. This
turn, the targets may pay to generate
. You may play Heron-Mark Blade onto Hammar for no
(Combat, Combat, Combat)
Ispan Sedai
Character, Dark One
Aes Sedai. Blue Ajah. Black Ajah.
If you control Moghedien, Ispan gains +1 intrigue, and you may
rotate Ispan to add 2 points of support or opposition to a target
(Intrigue, One Power)
Leane Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Green Ajah. Salidar.
You must control The Rebels to recruit this character. If you
control Siuan Sedai, and she participates in a different
challenge to Leane (both must participate in a challenge), you
may draw one card. Symbols generated by Leane have all
allegeinces for the purposes of recruiting non-Dark One male
Lelaine Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Blue Ajah. Salidar. Sitter. Bonded to Burin.
You must control The Rebels to recruit this character. Whenever
Lelaine pays any of the cost to recruit a Sitter,
place a Loyalty token on that Sitter. Up to twice per turn, you
may remove a Loyalty token from a Sitter to give Lelaine +1
politics and intrigue until the end of the turn. Lelaine may pay
two non-One Power ability symbols to place a Loyalty token on any
Sitter you control with a loyalty token on them.
(Politics, Politics, Intrigue, One Power)
as strong in the power as Siuan had been.
Character, Aes Sedai
You must control The Rebels to recruit this character. May only
be controlled by a Hero player. The only cost to recruit this
card is to rotate Nynaeve or Elayne. Cannot participate in
challenges. Rotate this character and target Elayne, Nynaeve or
Egwene. The target additionally generates when they roll their
dice this turn. A Villain player may pay
from a single
forsaken to shuffle this card back into its owners deck.
Pevara Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Red Ajah. Tower. Sitter.
If you control Seaine, you may rotate Pevara and Seaine during
the Declare Challenges phase to initiate a challenge with the
following text: "This is considered to be a card-based
challenge. Target a Black Ajah character you do
not control. If you succeed, place the target in its owners
discard pile."
(Politics, Intrigue, One Power)
Romanda Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Yellow Ajah. Salidar. Sitter.
You must control The Rebels to recruit this character. Gains +1
Intrigue if you control Egwene the Amyrlin. Gains +1 politics and
intrigue if you control Lelaine. If you control Lelaine, all Sitter
cards you control without a Loyalty token gain +1 politics and
(Politics, Politics, Intrigue, One Power)
Seaine Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
White Ajah. Tower. Sitter.
If you control Pevara, you may rotate Seaine and Pevara during
the Delcare Challenges phase to intiate a challenge with the
follwing text: "This is considered to be a card-based
challenge. Target an opponent. If you succeed, the target must
search his deck for the top character with the Aes Sedai
allegeince. If this card has the Black Ajah
trait, it is put into the targets dicard pile. If not, shuffle it
back into its owners deck."
(Politics, Intrigue, One Power)
Siuan Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Salidar. Light Nature.
You must control The Rebels to recruit this card.Cannot be
recruited by a Villain player. If you control Egwene the Amyrlin,
Egwene gains +1 politics and intrigue. Rotate to search your deck
for a replacement version of Egwene with only the Aes Sedai
allegeince and place it in your hand. Siuan may pay
to draw a card.
(Politics, Politics, Intrigue, One Power, One Power)
Sheriam Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Blue Ajah. Salidar. Keeper of the Chronicles.
You must control The Rebels to use this card in any way. This
card has no cost if you control The Amyrlin Seat.
Shuffle from your hand into your deck to search your deck for any
Salidar card and place it in your hand.
(Politics, Politics, One Power)
Character, Aes Sedai
Warder. Bonded to Verin Sedai.
While you control Verin, Tomas increases your maximum hand size
by 1.
(Intrigue, Combat)
Vandene Sedai
Character, Aes Sedai
Green Ajah. Bonded to Jaem.
Vandene gains +1 politics and intrigue if you control Adeleas
Sedai. Rotate Vandene to shuffle a card from your discard pile
back into your deck.
(Intrigue, One Power)
The Rebels
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage.
Discard all Tower cards you control. Discard all
non-Salidar cards you control with the traits The
Amyrlin Seat or Keeper of the Chronicles.
No opponent may recruit Salidar cards unless
they also control The Rebels. All Salidar cards
you control gain +1 intrigue. All Aes Sedai cards you control
additionally generate
when they roll their dice during a non-Last Battle challenge.
The Tower Divided
Advantage, Player
Starting Advantage.
Discard all Salidar cards you control. Discard
all non-Tower cards you control with the traits The
Amyrlin Seat or Keeper of the Chronicles.
No opponent may recruit Tower cards unless they
also control The Tower Divided. All Tower cards
you control gain +1 politics. Once per game, search your deck for
Tar Valon and/or The White Tower, and place them in your hand.
Once per game, place 5 control tokens on Tar Valon.
Character, Aes Sedai
Multiple. Novice.
You must control a character with an Ajah trait
to recruit this card. As an event, rotate to search your deck for
a Novice and place them in your hand. At the
beginning of each turn roll a One Power die for this character,
if you do not roll , return this card to your hand.
(One Power)
Character, Aes Sedai
Multiple. Accepted.
Replace a multiple Novice you control, they
permanently lose their Novice trait. Put the
card you replaced in your discard pile. As an event, rotate to
search your deck for an Accepted or Novice
and place it in your hand. At the beginning of each turn, roll a
One Power dice for this character. If you do not roll , shuffle this card
into your deck and take a Novice from your
discard pile and place it in your hand.
Full Sister
Character, Aes Sedai
You must control a character with an Ajah trait
to play this card. Replace a multiple Accepted
character, they permanently lose their Accepted
trait. Put the card you replaced in your discard pile. When you
play this card, target another card you control with any Ajah
trait - this card permanently gains the same Ajah
trait(s). Rotate this card to search your deck for a Full Sister
and place it in your hand, or to take a Novice
or Accepted from your discard pile and place it
in your hand.
Character, Aes Sedai
Rotate this card to move up to 5 damage from a Full Sister you
control (without a Red Ajah trait) to this
(Combat, One Power)
Tower Guard
Troop, Aes Sedai
Tower. Multiple.
Additionally generates
when they roll their
dice if you control High Captain Chubain. Rotate to remove a
Control Token from the Tar Valon contested advantage.
(Combat, Combat)
Circle of Sisters
Troop, Aes Sedai
This troop is recruited into the battleground and has no cost.You
must rotate at least 2 Aes Sedai cards you control with a printed
One Power ability when you recruit this troop. Add the number of
One Power dice that the rotated characters would roll this turn.
For every 3 One Power dice they would roll, this troop gains +2
One Power.
The Bond
Advantage, Player
Shuffle a card with the Bonded to trait from
your hand into your deck, to search your deck for the card that
it was bonded to and place it in your hand. No other player may
recruit a character which is Bonded to a
character you control. If you control 2 cards which are Bonded
to each other, when you assign damage to one of those
characters, you may instead assign it to the other character
(normal rules about mortally wounded characters being applied
damage still apply)
Strength of the Bond
Advantage, Player
Rotate this card to remove 1 point of damage from all Warder
cards you control. All Warder cards you control
roll an additional combat dice when they roll their dice while
participating in a challenge.
Event, Limited
Target and rotate any number of cards with the Bonded to
trait who have a printed One Power ability. If you recruit the Warder
that any of the targets are Bonded to
on this turn, that Warder has its cost reduced
to zero.