
The countdown, in its original form, has been stopped in its tracks by the new eratta. I will attempt to re-do a list of the top 50 cards with the eratta included. I think this may be a bit harder - and it will take a bit of time.

Have Your Say

Send me your opinion. Send me a list of what you think are the best/most powerful cards in the game, and I will tally up the votes and post a list of the Best cards as voted by other players of the game on this site. Send me your top 5, top 10, top 50 - whatever - depending on how much effort you want to go to.

My List

Here's the reasons why my list will have to have a massive makeover.

STRENGTH IN DIVERSITY - Was #1 on my list, simply due to the absolutely enourmous bonuses you could give your cards, especially troops. Being able to play one card and add 100+ extra dice to your characters and troops was quite simply insane.

PEDRON NIALL - Was #3 on my list. Now that he is nearly useless in your opening hand, he loses a huge chunk of his power, and must be dropped many positions on the countdown.

ALL THE BONUS-GIVERS - Perrin Goldeneyes was #2 on my list, because he had the potential to give all of your cards +1 to all printed abilities!!! Every other card which gave bonuses to a specific allegeince (Galldrian, Rhuarc, Gareth Bryne etc.) was ranked in the top 25. These will all have to be dropped because they can no longer give bonuses (using SiD) to everyone.

So with #1 (Strength in Diversity), #2 (Goldeneyes), and #3 (Pedron) all having to drop positions, it makes way for a new number 1. Keep an eye out here, where my NEW list will be put.


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